René-Yves Facchetti
For the past twenty-four years, René-Yves Facchetti has lived in a custom log home that he built in the misty mountains of upstate New York. En-graved into the first log course are the initials RYF.

When not writing short stories and novels, he can be found playing guitar, listening to music, cooking, doing martial arts, working outside on his farm, helping out with environmental organizations, and running a renowed IT company. He also has an art gallery filled with exotic works of handmade art, none of which are magical in nature, only simply spectacular.

He also has three children that are the center of his world and are his pride and joy. From gaming to modifying cars to dueling with light sabers, he always makes time to spend with them doing mostly nonsense activities.

He often walks out into fields and woods to convene with nature to talk to the spirits of the earth, local plants, and regional animals. He is particularly fond of the wild rabbits on his property. Unlike his children, they seem quite content and don’t complain much and that suits him just fine.